Tag Archives: Ground Zero Mosque

Ground Zero Mosque’s Hidden Websites: Follow the Shariah

Dangers of Allah

Do the math.  The 15 floors planned for the Ground Zero Mosque just don’t add up.

What’s the goal? Maybe the Imam’s goal is not simply to force a provocative “insensitivity” about 9-11 on the American public, with the help of America’s elites.  Maybe the Imam’s long-term goal is to force Shariah law on the American public – of course, again, with the help of America’s elites.

ground zero mosque

Why don’t the 15 floors add up? How many floors does Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf need for the mosque portion of this triumphal Islamic command center planned for the two building sites at 45-47 Park Place in New York City?  Think about it: maybe 2 floors for the mosque itself and related offices.  A 3rd floor for the swimming pool, a 4th for the 500 seat auditorium, a 5th for the halal restaurant and halal culinary school, a 6th for the art studios, the childcare center and library, a 7th for the gym and basketball court.  Add an 8th floor for miscellaneous storage and offices.  And then add a 9th floor for the September 11 memorial, an after-thought that was recently added to the Imam’s plan, although that may in fact be more of a room off to one side than a whole floor.

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Mosque Debate Grows, Splinters

Dangers of Allah

Absolute proof, politicians will use any issue for political gain.

Wall Street Journal

PHILADELPHIA—Politicians beyond New York continued to stake out positions Tuesday on the controversy over plans to build an Islamic center and mosque near the site of the World Trade Center, but divisions emerged within each party over what has become a surprise issue in the 2010 elections.


Reuters People walk by 45 Park Place in New York City, the mosque’s proposed site.

In Pennsylvania’s closely contested Senate race, the Democratic candidate, Rep. Joe Sestak, appeared with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and endorsed the rights of project organizers to construct the Islamic center at its proposed location. Mr. Sestak’s position put him at odds with several other candidates in his own party, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who on Monday announced his opposition to the mosque’s being built near the site of the destroyed towers in Manhattan.

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Ground Zero for the Mosque Resistance

Karen Lugo

Red Country

There is still time — and there are many reasons — to stop the Ground Zero Mosque. The siting of a mega-mosque so close to Ground Zero has focused critical attention on the issue of mosque placements all across the United States.

The fact that we are caught with no standards by which to assess this imam’s grand mosque project – or so-called community center — spotlights the need for a national mosque litmus test.

Between a blind fixation on free speech, freedom of association and a general sense that anything called religion gets a pass from government scrutiny, Islamists are free to set up shop in America’s towns and cities with little more than random protests. The Ground Zero Mosque has become a flashpoint for a long overdue national discussion.

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