Tag Archives: Temecula

In all recent mosque conflicts, opponents have said their problem is Islam itself

Across nation, mosque projects meet opposition

By Laurie Goodstein

While a high-profile battle rages over a mosque near ground zero in Manhattan, heated confrontations have also broken out in communities across the country where mosques are proposed for far less hallowed locations.

Image: Greg Johnson, Ina Marshall, Tim Foster
Christopher Berkey / AP file

Protester Greg Johnson, right, and counter protesters Ina Marshall and Tim Foster, left, argue during demonstration against a planned mosque and Islamic community center on July 14 in front of the Rutherford County Courthouse in Murfreesboro, Tenn.

In Murfreesboro, Tenn., Republican candidates have denounced plans for a large Muslim center proposed near a subdivision, and hundreds of protesters have turned out for a march and a county meeting.

In late June, in Temecula, Calif., members of a local Tea Party group took dogs and picket signs to Friday prayers at a mosque that is seeking to build a new worship center on a vacant lot nearby.

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Reason prevails over planned mosque in Temecula A protest draws more pro-mosque people than mosque Opponents

August 04, 2010

LA Times:

Comment: No, reason didn’t prevail during the Temecula mosque protest.  The LA Times, once again displayed its ignorance about Islam following the mainstream media, and White House lies about the evils of the cult they call a religion.

It’s interesting that the same groups will never be heard when it comes to putting a good word in about Christianity, but Islam, a cult they no nothing about, well they just have it in their genes to be politically correct.  Can they be so vapid that they still fail to understand Islam’s goals?  They are two-fold, replace all religions in the world with Islam, and destroy the U.S. Constitution replacing it with Sharia law.  Admin.

When the news broke that a loose-knit group planned to stage a protest against a planned mosque in Temecula, we feared an outbreak of Islamophobia in Riverside County. Several said they opposed the mosque because they feared the coming of jihad, terrorism and Sharia law. Particularly offensive was the suggestion by organizers of the protest that people bring dogs to the event as a way to show disrespect for Islam; many Muslims believe dogs are unclean.

That’s why it was encouraging to see that four times as many people turned out to support the Islamic Center of Temecula Valley last Friday as did to oppose it. The supporters upheld the right of the area’s small Muslim community to worship as it chooses.