Tag Archives: Conservative blog network

Iranium the Movie

The Iranian people are begging the western world to support their effort to overthrow the fascist government-run by the mullahs .

Ground Zero for the Mosque Resistance

Karen Lugo

Red Country

There is still time — and there are many reasons — to stop the Ground Zero Mosque. The siting of a mega-mosque so close to Ground Zero has focused critical attention on the issue of mosque placements all across the United States.

The fact that we are caught with no standards by which to assess this imam’s grand mosque project – or so-called community center — spotlights the need for a national mosque litmus test.

Between a blind fixation on free speech, freedom of association and a general sense that anything called religion gets a pass from government scrutiny, Islamists are free to set up shop in America’s towns and cities with little more than random protests. The Ground Zero Mosque has become a flashpoint for a long overdue national discussion.

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Reason prevails over planned mosque in Temecula A protest draws more pro-mosque people than mosque Opponents

August 04, 2010

LA Times:

Comment: No, reason didn’t prevail during the Temecula mosque protest.  The LA Times, once again displayed its ignorance about Islam following the mainstream media, and White House lies about the evils of the cult they call a religion.

It’s interesting that the same groups will never be heard when it comes to putting a good word in about Christianity, but Islam, a cult they no nothing about, well they just have it in their genes to be politically correct.  Can they be so vapid that they still fail to understand Islam’s goals?  They are two-fold, replace all religions in the world with Islam, and destroy the U.S. Constitution replacing it with Sharia law.  Admin.

When the news broke that a loose-knit group planned to stage a protest against a planned mosque in Temecula, we feared an outbreak of Islamophobia in Riverside County. Several said they opposed the mosque because they feared the coming of jihad, terrorism and Sharia law. Particularly offensive was the suggestion by organizers of the protest that people bring dogs to the event as a way to show disrespect for Islam; many Muslims believe dogs are unclean.

That’s why it was encouraging to see that four times as many people turned out to support the Islamic Center of Temecula Valley last Friday as did to oppose it. The supporters upheld the right of the area’s small Muslim community to worship as it chooses.