Tag Archives: Pastor Jones

Concerned American Citizens support Anti-Shariah

Tawfik Hamid, Frank Gaffney, Zuhdi Jasser and….

By Diane Macedo

Published March 02, 2011

| FoxNews.com

The Shariah4America rally is planned for March 3, 2011, because "on this day, in 1924, the Khilafah (Islamic State) was abolished by Mustafa Kamal Attaturk with the help of the British and European collaborators. It was a catastrophic day when the light of Islam was dimmed," the rally's website says.

The Shariah4America rally is planned for March 3, 2011, because “on this day, in 1924, the Khilafah (Islamic State) was abolished by Mustafa Kamal Attaturk with the help of the British and European collaborators. It was a catastrophic day when the light of Islam was dimmed,” the rally’s website says. Continue reading

Anti-Sharia Protestors in Washington, Listen to Frank Gaffney

Anti-Sharia protesters gathered at White House despite radical Muslim Anjem Choudary’s rally cancellation