Tag Archives: Shariah

Shari’a and Violence in American Mosques

This is a great study regarding the danger of extremist violence in the name of Islam in America. Please cut and paste the link below to review.


Separating Islamic Law, Shariah, from the spiritual side of Islam.

Separating Islamic Law, Shariah, from the spiritual side of Islam

Islam in America with no Islamic Law (Shariah).

It is time to expose the moderate Muslim. Will the Moderate Muslim be willing to eliminate aggregious seventh century Islamic Law  “Shariah” from the spiritual side of Islam?

It is also time to take a role call on this subject and hold all moderate Muslims accountable. If these moderates wish to practice only the spiritual side of Islam and desire to assimilate into the American culture, reform is mandatory, let it begin!!!

It is time to separate the spiritual side of Islam from Islamic Laws, Shariah.
We support freedom of religion but not the barbaric laws incorporated in
Islam that supersedes the United States Constitution. 

This signed petition, when completed, will be sent to every Congressmen, Senator and Governor in the United States of America.

Well done Tennessee

Tennessee bill would make following Shariah a felony

Posted March 02, 2011 at 9:00 PM

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) – Tennessee is considering making it a felony to follow some versions of the Islamic code known as Shariah, the most severe measure yet put forth by a national movement whose members believe extremist Muslims want Shariah to supersede the Constitution.

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